Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"2009 Virus Threats"

“Viruses of the World”

“Viruses in North America in the past 24 hours”

1.       Which continent has the most infections? ~North America is the continent that has the most infections in it.
2.       List some reasons why you think this continent has the most infections.~ I think that one reason is, because there are so many people in this continent who has computers. Most people that have computers in the North America have at least one in their home. I think another reason is that when people actually do have computers in North America that they don’t really take that good of care of them. Another reason is just criminals sending out viruses to get other peoples information for money or other things like that.
3.       What are some ways you think that this continent can fix these virus problems? ~ I think one major way that North America can fix these is by making better anti-virus problems. We need to make sure that we check our computers every day, and not open any kind of email that you don’t know what it is. You have to be very cautious about your computer.

1 comment:

  1. Font style and color has to be changed as I asked in your last blog. Readers have a lot of trouble reading these posts. Also, the assignment required you to use statements in a paragraph format, not in question outline. For example: North America has the most infections of all continents in the world. You asked the question then answered. Not what was required.
    I did like your second response, it required much thought and you were the only student who did that! :) Good Job...
    Overall, your post was very good.
